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Bulbous tree

A bulbous tree is a very elegant kind of tree. Would you like to order bulbous trees of the highest quality? Why shouldn’t you contact Boomkwekerij H. Van Laerhoven? We are an international oriented tree nursery with more than 12 years of experience. We are known for delivering trees of the highest quality and for being innovative and creative at the same time. Moreover, we are hospitable: you are always welcome for a visit.

Our nursery is the place to be for a bulbous tree of high quality

Boomkwekerij H. Van Laerhoven cultivates a wide range of tree and plant species. We do not limit ourselves and always strive for enlarging our assortment. Would you like to order bulbous tree species or are you more interested in weeping trees? Whatever you need for your garden centre or landscaping company, we guarantee that we always deliver trees of the highest quality.

Internationally operative

Boomkwekerij H. Van Laerhoven does not only serve the Dutch company. We also deliver trees and plants to clients situated in Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Hungary and France, among others. Are you interested in our bulbous tree species or other trees or plants we cultivate? We would like to hear from you. Do not hesitate and call +31 165-341535.

Our service

Were you curious about what we have to offer? Also consider what we have made for someone else.

Contact us

  • You can read about how we handle your personal data in our privacy policy

H. van Laerhoven

Address: Canadapolderstraat 3
Zip code: 4722 SH Schijf
Phone: 0031-165-341535
Fax: 0031-165-343467
Mobile: 0031-653-156445